Tips to Avoid Misplacing Your Car Keys

Fewer things can be more irritating than misplacing your car keys. For starters, this only ever seems to happen when you're in a hurry, making you even later than you already were as well as increasing your stress levels just when you're about to get in the car and drive.
When you are leading a busy life, MotorWorld | MileOne Autogroup knows it's hard to remember every last detail, so it's a good idea to try and develop habits that will stop you misplacing the keys in the first place.
1. Many drivers rely on a 'special place' for their car keys. This is a location in the house, usually very close to the front door, where you always keep your keys. A bowl on a table just inside the door or a hook on the wall at the bottom of the stairwell would both make a great place to keep your key. Get into the habit of dropping your keys straight into the bowl or hanging them up on the wall as soon as you get in. This should greatly reduce your chances of absent-mindedly leaving the keys somewhere else.
2. Keep your keys out of the reach of children and pets. If you have children, as soon as they are old enough, ensure that they understand that the keys are not toys and they must never pick them up. All too often, a misplaced key has been deposited by a mischievous pet or a curious child.
3. Think about buying an electronic key finder. These devices work in tandem with a special fob for your keys, which emits a wireless signal. If you come within thirty feet of the keys with your receiver, then it will emit a loud beep and flash a light to attract your attention.
4. Try not to rely on one set of keys. Always have at least one spare set, preferably two. Don't keep them all on the same bunch, of course, and try not to keep them all in the house. Perhaps you could leave a spare set with a neighbor or trusted friend, so that you have somebody to fall back on if you are locked out or simply cannot find your keys. Never mark the bunch in any way that shows the car to which they belong. That could lead thieves straight to your car.
5. Ensure that your keys are attached to a large, bright, tactile fob. This makes it far easier to spot them, even in a cluttered room. If you keep them in a bag or purse, it will also be much easier to reach in and find them. As you can see at a glance whether you have them or not, the chances of you leaving them behind are much slimmer.
If you are in the habit of misplacing your car keys, then the solution is to develop the habit of looking after them more consciously. Treat your keys as though they are as valuable as the car because, when it comes down to it, they pretty much are!